
I'm somewhat familiar with Marcel, and have read Ellul's The Technological Society. I've been meaning to get around to Maritain for a while.

To the extent that I can understand myself, I think I have something of a dual loyalty, or two primary competing views of human life. One is based on a transhistorical individual soul given to each of us, something of possibly divine origin, with certain aims and interests that must be protected and fleshed out. And then there's the contingent, materialist side of life, where we are animals in thrall to environmental and technological influences that demand thoroughgoing analysis.

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Personalism is another interesting philosophy of life, Caleb.

You know? That french milieu of G. Marcel, J. Maritain, E. Mounier, P. Maurin, even Ellul, in its first years. And many others, of course. I recommend.

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