Sep 4Liked by Caleb Caudell

All that is left, then, is for each soul to find redemption through transcendence. If their is a silver lining to such an ominous and dark cloud, it is this. We must realize the map is not the territory. We must unplug more and more. Go for a walk. Do martial arts. Play Monopoly with family.

This is a beautiful essay, Caleb. Bravo.

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A little tip for reading me esoterically, between the lines so to speak, is that the uplifting side is generally unstated, outlined or suggested. And here I'm pointing at the need for religion, faith in something beyond the merely human, the merely individual. Thanks, Bradley.

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This is one of the best essays I have read on Substack.

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I like to think it will be a slower burn. My intention is that this essay is the introduction of a larger work concerning the evolution of experience, this being the overture, with subsequent chapters on closer readings of Montaigne, Proust, Heidegger and Musil, among others, issuing finally in an analysis of the present that criticizes the critical lens that sees only the dominance of images, pointing the way to a post screen dwelling

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Thank you. The compliment holds weight coming from you, as you’re one of a few writers on this platform doing work with considerable scope and substance

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That's such a high compliment, it's honestly hard to read lol. But it's true, this essay is outstanding. I hope many people read it.

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Sep 12Liked by Caleb Caudell

I read it because of your share. :)

Thanks, Caleb. Enlightening and useful.

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My pleasure

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Well done, an antidote (and even weapon, a magical weapon doing wonders) I discovered is Norman O. Brown, such a fiery heart. He was of the countercultural "tradition" of philosophers, with unique insights and far from a cheap liberal.

This is a good 'introduction' of his work:


He said many remarkable things one of those were:

‘I sometimes think I see that civilizations originate in the disclosure of some mystery, some secret; and expand with the progressive publication of their secret; and end in exhaustion when there is no longer any secret, when the mystery has been divulged, that is to say, profaned’’

Public secrets...

Pretty much what is going on

"Your private life will suddenly explode

There'll be phantoms"

Leonard Cohen - The Future

The phamtoms may be the spectre of communism... the ghost in the machine

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Sep 14Liked by Caleb Caudell

Self-dosing on digital anesthetic: that's a very keen observation. Every area of life is almost but not entirely unlike it really is, if that's not too obfuscating; like friends on social media being completely unlike real friends, warts and all. Interesting.

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Indeed. What I consider to be the twist of what I'm trying to say here, is that prior to the advent of smartphones and social media, "real" friends were already well on the way to being unreal, as pretty much every antecedent technological, social and philosophical trend was moving in the direction of isolation, momentary fulfillment and simulation

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Well yeah, you have to see it in context. Have you ever read any Rex Stout?

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I’m not familiar

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Sep 15Liked by Caleb Caudell

Ah, too bad. There is a great little passage in one of his books (written in 1950) where it's remarked that people no longer sit around talking and interacting after dinner, instead they settle down in front of the TV, and this is killing the art of conversation and the chance to learn more about each other and whatnot. 70 years ago, if you can believe it. So your point is really quite sound.

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> "Life surrenders to spectacle, a pale image of denied eternity."

Beautiful conclusion here! 👏👏👏

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Thank you 🙏

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Thanks for the recommendation. Will check him out

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